Our Pastor

Doug Hileman
Pastor Doug came to Christ rather unexpectedly, not having grown up with any church experience to speak of. Converted at the age of 17, he had only been a Christian for about a month when he began to feel a strong pull towards preaching ministry. His first few years in the faith were spent working with a Christian outreach and rehab ministry—initially as a volunteer, and then as part of the staff. He attended Trinity Bible College in Sacramento, (now known as Epic Bible College) where he met his wife-to-be, Christine. After they were married, Doug and Chris had the opportunity to work with several churches in Northern California.
Doug has served in several capacities–as a Youth Pastor, a Christian Ed Director, and Associate Pastor. In addition, he has been the Lead Pastor in two churches—Dobbins Christian Assembly for 15 years, and at Gateway Calvary for over 15 years before coming to Gray Avenue Christian Church.
Doug and Chris have been blessed with three wonderful daughters, who together with their husbands and a whole bunch of grandkids, have seen the family circle grow to a total of nineteen—not counting dogs, cats, and chickens. (And the occasional guinea pig.)
Doug believes in the power of the Gospel to change lives. He has always tried to teach and preach from the Bible in a way that is both compelling and relevant. A perpetual student, he resolved a long time ago to never stop learning. Not only does it keep life interesting, he also believes that it helps facilitate a fresh perspective in the preaching ministry that he brings to the congregation every week.
Our Elders

Clifford Duggins II

Craig Weaver

Worship Leaders